Mushroom Missionary Training
- 10/100000000 Students
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- 14 Lessons /1 Quizes
Course Curriculum
Welcome To The Family
2 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Your Divine Role as a Sovereign Church Missionary
10 points
Entheogens in Religious and Spiritual Practices
10 points
Legal Frameworks and Advocacy
3 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Law & Entheogens: Navigating the Legal Labyrinth
10 points
Advocacy for Entheogenic Rights
10 points
Navigating the Sacred Path with Wisdom
10 points
Magic Mushrooms - A DIY SSRI?
4 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Set, Setting, Reverence and Integration
10 points
Set and Setting: Preparing for a Sacred Journey
10 points
The Importance of Reverence
10 points
Integration: Making Meaning of Mystical Experiences
10 points
Developing Your Missionary Skills
3 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Communication Skills - Educating Others Effectively
10 points
Handling Difficult Conversations and Overcoming Objections
10 points
Building Community: Outreach and Networking
10 points
Transferring Your Sacred Mushroom Knowledge
2 Lessons / 1 Quizes
Creating Engaging and Informative Content
10 points
Furthering Your Enlightenment
10 points
Mushroom Missionary Final Exam
60 points